Dinkel, one of the oldest ancient wheat species grown in Anatolian lands; Also known as red wheat. Its genetic structure has not been altered and its gluten content is low and its fiber content is high. It is known as Dinkel in Germany and red wheat in Anatolia. It is obtained by grinding in a stone mill.
Dinkel Flour; It is seen as an alternative to white flour with its structure suitable for making bread, pasta, cake, crackers, cakes and pancakes.
Anadolu topraklarında yetişen en eski antik buğday türlerinden olan Dinkel; kızıl buğday olarak da bilinir. Genetik yapısı ile oynanmamış ve gluten oranı düşük, lif oranı yüksektir. Almanya’da Dinkel, Anadolu’da kızıl buğday olarak bilinir. Taş değirmende öğütülerek elde edilmiştir.
Dinkel Unu; ekmek, makarna, pasta, kraker, kek, krep yapmaya müsait yapısı ile beyaz una alternatif un olarak görülmektedir.
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